From Washington DC to Los Angeles
New York
HOMEPAGE        NOI        ITINERARIO        DIARIO DI VIAGGIO        FOTO & VIDEO        NUMERI        INFORMAZIONIHOMEPAGE_IT.htmlNOI.htmlITINERARIO.htmlDIARIO.htmlFOTO_e_VIDEO.htmlNUMERI.htmlINFORMAZIONI.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0shapeimage_7_link_1shapeimage_7_link_2shapeimage_7_link_3shapeimage_7_link_4shapeimage_7_link_5shapeimage_7_link_6
HOMEPAGE        ABOUT US        THE ROUTE        TRAVEL LOG        PICS & VIDEOS        NUMBERS        INFORMATIONHOMEPAGE_%28EN%29.htmlABOUT_US.htmlTHE_ROUTE.htmlTRAVEL_LOG.htmlPHOTOS%26VIDEOS.htmlNUMBERS.htmlINFORMATION.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0shapeimage_11_link_1shapeimage_11_link_2shapeimage_11_link_3shapeimage_11_link_4shapeimage_11_link_5shapeimage_11_link_6

Le date sono riportate per giorno/mese/anno  /  All dates are written as day/month/year

17/04/10 • Domain registrato / Domain registered

21/04/10 • Versione in Inglese completata / English Version completed

28/04/10 • Oltre 100 visite nei primi 10 giorni / Over 100 visits in the first 10 days

30/04/10 • Feedback positivi sul sito, scettici su fattibilità viaggio / Positive feedback about site, skeptcal on trip feasibility

02/05/10 • Al telefono con Davide: ideazione di “Itinerario 2.0” / On the phone with Davide: birth of “The Route 2.0”

06/05/10 • Davide viene proclamato Santo e Patrono di C2C2010 / Davide is proclaimed Saint, Patron of C2C2010

02/07/10 • Aggiunto teaser trailer “On the road” / Added teaser trailer “On the road”

09/07/10 •  Create le t-shirt C2C2010 e il loro negozio online / C2C2010 t-shirts and their online shop are made

04/08/10 •  Rimozione del Countdown / Countdown removed

02/09/10 •  Cominciato il Diario e inaugurata la sezione Foto / Started Travel Log and Photos Section

24/10/10 •  Completata la sezione “Fotografie - Giorno per giorno” / Section “Photos - Day by day” completed

12/11/10 •  Completate le sezioni “Fotografie - 3D e Wallpapers” / Sections “Photos - 3D and Wallpapers” completed

22/11/10 •  Raggiunti nei primi 7 mesi 1000 contatti / 1000 contacts in these first 7 months online

07/12/10 •  Completato il Diario di Viaggio del Coast to Coast / C2C Travel Log completed

09/12/10 •  Completata la sezione di New York / New York section completed

05/01/11 •  Sito Completato! (nuova Homepage, correzioni) / Site Completed! (new Homepage, corrections)

22/01/11 •  Added Day Zero Log, Numbers page updated

23/01/11 •  Added Days 1 & 2

24/01/11 •  Added Days 3 & 4

25/01/11 •  Added Days 5 to 9

26/01/11 •  Added Day 10

27/01/11 •  Added Days 11-16

28/01/11 •  Added Day 17

29/01/11 •  Added Day 18

30/01/11 •  Added Days 19-20

31/01/11 •  Added Days 21-22

01/02/11 •  Added Days 23-25